Archives Notices / Clarifications regarding NIMAR

Dated: 09 May 2024, Final Evaluation Report of Tender No. PID(I)5455/23

Dated: 30 April 2024, Technical Evaluation Report of Tender No. PID(I)5455/23

Invitation to Bids, Last Date: 1st April, 2024   (Bidding Document)   (Working Copy)

Qureies and Clarifications

S. No.

Query by

Queries regarding Tender No. PID(I)5455/23



Bidder A

03 Reference required on Cloud. Kindly remove this clause as merely 1-2 references are available in Pakistan.

Please follow the bidding document


Bidder A

03 Reference required on Nvidia DCX server. Kindly remove this clause as merely 1-2 references are available in Pakistan

Please follow the bidding document


Bidder A

RFP required Nvidia DGXH100 Server it should be Nvidia or equivalent as per PPRA rule

Please thoroughly delve into the bidding document


Bidder A

Delivery time of Server. 10 weeks is not sufficient, should be 18-20 weeks as these are rarely available due to high demand worldwide.

Please follow the bidding document


Bidder A

There is no specific Hardware mentioned for Cloud

We will be using our existing Huawei xFusion servers for Cloud until unless additional H/W is required by the proposed solution then please quote it along the solution


Bidder A

There is no specific hardware/software mentioned for HCI

We will be using our existing Huawei xFusion servers for HCI


Bidder A

There is no specific hardware/software mentioned for Backup

Required built-in backup in HCI with no restriction of VMs or equivalent solution


Bidder A

RFP required Block Storage in HCI, in HCI Servers have their own storage, Block storage is not required.

Virtual SAN is required for block storage consisting on existing servers hard drives.


Bidder A

RFP did not mentioned Virtualization software

We are open for a complete end to end HCI solution (Computer, Network and Storage virtualization)


Bidder A

RFP S. No. 3.1.1 point no 7 required DR environment. No information about DR environment provided hence solution cannot be designed without right information

Primary site will consist of 6 servers and DR side will be of 4 servers


Bidder A

Please clarify what do you mean by SSD Read & write Acceleration in Cloud ?

Requires feature set for virtual SAN optimization


Bidder A

Data locality is a Hardware feature for single box HCI Solution are you interested in it.

All known OEMs provide this feature in their HCI, Kindly quote your solution as per bidding document


Bidder A

Given time for Bid submission is not sufficient, at least 4 weeks extension is required

Please follow the bidding document


Bidder A

In Pg.64 Please clarify “Power Management (Genset & Power Equipment) for 3 years”

Not required. It is a typo, please ignore it.


Bidder A

Based on the primary datacenter facility requirements outlined in section 3.1 regarding the Cloud Platform, it is recommended to have a minimum of 4x10 Ports on Servers to handle the load of HCI VSAN communication effectively. Therefore, it is highly recommended to add 1x2 Port 10G card with SFP+ on each server to ensure the smooth operation of the HCI Platform.

You may include the proposed cards as optional product/addon with your solution.


Bidder B

Request for 2 Weeks extension

The importance of adherence to prescribed timelines in the tender process is recognized, and therefore, we encourage your timely submission in accordance with the original deadline. Further, it has been determined that, regrettably, an extension to the stipulated deadline cannot be accommodated at this juncture.


1st June, 2023: Minutes of the meeting regarding Grievance Redressal Committee on "Establishment of Primary Data Center along with Business Application for NIMAR"

22nd May, 2023: TIP Letter regarding Grievance Redressal "Establishment of Primary Data Center along with Business Application for NIMAR" Iformation system IT & Allied Equipment


22nd May 2023: Final Evaluation Report (As Per Rule 35 of PPRA Rules, 2004)


16th May 2023: Technical Evaluation Report (As Per Rule 35 of PPRA Rules, 2004)

24th December 2022: Date for submission of technical proposal for Establishment of Primary Data Center along with NIMAR Business Application has been further extended till 10th January 2023

*Revised RFP/Bidding Document for Establishment of Primary Data Center along with NIMAR Business Application

Tender/Bidding Document:


Queries by Bidder - I

There are no data records to display.

Queries by Bidder - II

There are no data records to display.

Queries by Bidder - III

There are no data records to display.

Queries by Bidder - IV

1 We have requested all infini-band manufacturer to share their switches specifications but NONE of them are complying with specifications written in the RFP and they have refused to share. InInfini Band Switches are not required now. Please follow the bidding document
2 We have connected with NVIDIA (APAC regional Team) to share the GPU based server solution and they have refused to share the solution. As per their statement, specifications have serious mismatch and solution is not workable.Query is unclear. Please follow the bidding document.
3 We have serious concerns on object-based storage specifications as RISC (ARM or FPGA) is a low-end CPU primarily used in Tablets & mobile phones. The benchmarking written in RPF has grave mismatches and mistakes.Low quality products/solutions will be evaluated accordingly.
4 Our panel of Network solution architects are not being able to understand the connectivity of all switches and network and we have not received any network connectivity diagram.Servers to TOR Switches - 10G
TOR to Core Switches - 40G
Core Switches to AI / ML Switches - 100G
Core Switches to Fire Wall - 40G
Fire Wall to MMR - 10G
5 We are afraid to propose a NON working solution to MoIB as at any later stage, it will be our liability to make the whole solution running at optimal performance. Hence, we would like to request again for extension for at least 4 weeks & make the RFP generic for healthy competition. Moreover, we need to have clarifications we have requested earlier, in order to offer most performance, optimize and cost-effective solution for your NIMAR project.The technical proposal shall be evaluated in accordance with the specified evaluation criteria and may be discussed with the bidders regarding any deficiencies and unsatisfactory technical features.

After such discussions, all the bidders shall be permitted to revise their respective technical proposals to meet the requirements of the procuring agency.

Please consult PPRA's Two Stage Bidding procedure for more details.
6 In updated RFP the amount of Bid Security shall be fixed RKR 20 Million

Query 01
if we are not participating in turnkey solution & quoting only single Category which is having worth price less then 20 Million then its illogical to submit the 20 Million bid security against single category.
As per our Tender Document / RFP published on 25th December, 2022. The bid security has been fixed that is 20 Million PKR, other than that will not be accepted.
7 Method of Procurement shall be PPRA’s TWO STAGE BIDDING PROCEDURE.
At First Stage, the Bidders shall submit the technical proposal/bid without price, along with Bid Security.

Query 02
This is the 2 Stage tender so please clarify the bid security will be submitted in 2nd stage along with financial proposal?
Please following the point 3 of Addendum / Corrigendum issued/published on December 25, 2022.

Addendum / Corrigendum can also be downloaded via

Queries by Bidder - V

1 Page 152/183
Section III- Bids Data Sheet
C. Participation of Bids
The amount of Bid Security shall be fixed PKR 20 Million. The currency of the Bid Security shall be: Pakistani Rupee. Bid Securing Declaration is NOT applicable

Page 22/183
Section II- Instructions to Bidders
C. Participation of Bids
Pursuant to ITB 11, unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid, a Bid Security in form of fixed amount not exceeding five percent of the estimated value of procurement determined by the procuring agency and in the amount and currency specified in the BDS or Bid Securing Declaration as specified in the BDS in the format provided in Section VI (Standard Forms).

These two clauses contradict each other and are hence ambiguous. Therefore it is requested to kindly explain the reasoning behind this to avoid confusion.
As Bid Security has been specified in BDS Sr.10, so ITB 18->18.1 is not in vogue.

It is further clarified that please follow the BDS clause 10.
2 25/184
18 Bid Security or Bid Securing Declaration
18.6 Any Bid not accompanied by a Bid Security or Bid Securing Declaration in accordance with ITB 18.1 or 18.3 shall be rejected by the Procuring Agency as non-responsive, pursuant to ITB 29.

When will the Bid Security be submitted? At Stage1 with Technical Proposal or Stage 11 with Financial Proposal?
Please following the point 3 of Addendum / Corrigendum issued/published on December 25, 2022.

Addendum / Corrigendum can also be downloaded via
3 31/184

26 Opening of Bids

26.13 "In case of Two Stage Bidding Procedure, after the evaluation and approval of technical proposal the procuring agency, shall at a time within the bid validity period, publicly open the financial proposals of the technically accepted bids only under the PPRA Rules 2004 and its corresponding Regulations.

The financial proposal of bids found technically nonresponsive shall be returned un-opened to the respective bidders subject to redress of the grievances from all tiers of grievances under the PPRA Rules 2004 and its corresponding Regulations."

How will the technically nonresponsive bidders submit Financial Proposals in a Two Stage Bidding Procedure? How will the Bidders be technically qualified in the first phase?
Please consult the PPRA's Two Stage Bidding Procedure in consultation with the Revised RFP's Section-III, Bid Data Sheet Clause 29.

The Procuring Agency shall examine the Bid to confirm that all terms and conditions specified in the GCC and the SCC have been accepted by the Bidder without any material deviation or reservation.

How to reply to the GCC clauses? It there any SOC template to fill? Or can the bidder make the modification comments in tracking mode?
In the Solution/Proposal Document, Bidder may mention reply after copying the Complete Clause with referencing.
C. Preparation of Bids
b) For goods and related services that the Bidder will deliver from outside Pakistan, or for imported parts or components of goods and related services originating outside Pakistan, the Bid prices shall be quoted in Pakistani Rupees after conversion.

1- For goods and related services that the Bidder will deliver from outside Pakistan, who will bear the taxes fee such as Pakistan customs duties/import tax/GST/customs clearance etc.?

2-What the meaning for "the Bid prices shall be quoted in Pakistani Rupees after conversion"? does that mean, the bidder can quote other currency such as USD, and PA(Procuring Agency) do the conversion during bidding evaluation stage?"
All applicable taxes, Customs duties shall be bear by the Bidder.

It is preferred to Bid in Pakistani Rupee, In case if bidder quote in any foreign currency then for the purposes of comparison of bids quoted in different currencies, the price shall be converted into a single currency specified in the bidding documents. The rate of exchange shall be the selling rate, prevailing on the date of opening of financial bids, as notified by the State Bank of Pakistan on that day.
C. Preparation of Bids
For goods offered from abroad the DDP price quoted shall be in PKR after conversion. Prices should include all applicable taxes and freight charges till the Project execution / deployment site as mentioned by the PA.

1- For goods offered from abroad, can the bidder only quote in CFR/CIF basis?

2- For the goods offered from abroad (offshore part) , who is responsible for customs clearance, customs duties , GST etc. which incurred in Pakistan?
Please follow the bidding document. All applicable taxes, Customs clearance/duties shall be bear by the Bidder.
29.4 The Warranty Period (N) shall begin from the date of Operational Acceptance of the System or Subsystem and extend for 36 months or standard warranty provided by OEM, whichever is higher.

1-The price of this RFP should include 3 years warranty?

2- How many years maintenance and support (which after Warranty period) needed to be quoted for this RFP?
1. Please follow the bidding document

2. Two Years
11.4The currency or currencies in which payment is made to the Supplier under this Contract shall be specified in SCC subject to the following general principle: payment will be made in the currency or currencies in which the payment has been requested in the Supplier’s Bid.

Does that mean, PA(Procuring Agency) will make payment in USD or other currency instead of PKR for the Goods/Services portion from outside Pakistan?
E. OPENING AND EVALUATION OF BIDS "(c) Deviation in payment schedule.
i) Bidders shall state their Bid price for the payment schedule outlined in the SCC. Bids will be evaluated on the basis of this base price. Bidders are, however, permitted to state an alternative payment schedule and indicate the reduction in Bid price they wish to offer for such alternative payment schedule. The Procuring Agency may consider the alternative payment schedule offered by the selected Bidder.

How to state an alternative payment schedule? And when ? During the 2nd stage i.e. in the Financial Proposal?
Alternative payment schedule is only for the selected bidder.
10 96-97/183
Supply and Installation Cost Table

In this cost table, several currency allowed to be quoted ? If like this , PA(Procuring Agency) will do the conversion by itself?
It is preferred to Bid in Pakistani Rupee, In case if bidder quote in any foreign currency then for the purposes of comparison of bids quoted in different currencies, the price shall be converted into a single currency specified in the bidding documents. The rate of exchange shall be the selling rate, prevailing on the date of opening of financial bids, as notified by the State Bank of Pakistan on that day.
11 98/183
Recurrent Cost Sub-Table [insert: identifying number] Recurrent Cost Sub-Table [insert: identifying number]

1- What is the Recurrent Cost mean? Does it mean "Annual Maintenance and Support cost" ?
If not , where to quote Annual Maintenance and Support cost" ?

2- For "Y1 to Yn", what is n ? How many years exactly needed to be quoted?
1. Any recurring cost i.e Subscription, Maintenance or Support cost.

2. n is 3 years within warranty and 2 years after warranty
Recurrent Cost Sub-Table [insert: identifying number]
Note: The cost for maintenance must be quoted after expiry of the warranty period e.g. if a component is having three year warranty than the price charged for such maintenance shall be applicable after expiry of the warranty period.

In this table, what does Y1 mean? Does it mean the 1st year starting after 3 years' warranty period ?
Or it mean the 1st year from PO date? Or from Project go live date? Please kind give explanation.
Y1 means 1st Year after the acceptability of the Product/Solution.
13 55/183 SECTION III: BID DATA SHEET E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids
Factors for calculation of the whole life cost:
i) Number of years for whole life cycle: 10 Years
ii) Operating costs: Please clearly mention operating cost i.e fuel and/or other input, service, unit cost, and total operational requirements
iii) Maintenance costs: Please clearly mention maintenance cost e.g., spare parts—without duplication of above 32.5
(d) or any other requirements and
iv) Rate, as a percentage, to be used to discount all annual future costs calculated under (ii) and (iii) above to present value. 1- 10 years is just Bidding evaluation by PA, but it doesn't mean Bidder need to quote for 10 years, right?
2- What 's the difference between Operating Costs and Maintenance costs?
3- for the cost i.e fuel and/or other input, service, unit cost.

for our understanding , this is not belong to Bidder's scope, right? For example, the fuel cost ,shall not be bidder's responsibility.
Yes, this does not belong to Bidder's scope.
Supply and Installation Cost Table for the Unit Prices / Rates of Supplied from Abroad, why it includes [ insert: local currency] and [ insert: foreign currency A ] ?

Does that mean, the local currency is for cost of services /customs duties/ sales taxes/inland transportation etc happened in Pakistan? and foreign currency is for cost such as goods/services supplied from other countries?"
It is preferred to Bid in Pakistani Rupee.
15 174| 183
4. TOR Switches Requirements/Specifications (Continued): -
11. Support MAC FRR(Fast Reroute)

This feature is unique feature of Huawei. It will exclude other supplier. In fact M-LAG has fast recover mechanism itself. Please Remove This Clause or Equivalent. Besides, please elaborate does MoIB really need to implement this feature? Or is it just mentioned to restrict competition?
Alternative feature providing/ensuring similar results is also acceptable.
16 174| 183 3. Core Switches Requirements/Specifications (Continued): -
42. Should be a Leader/Challenger by Forrester or any other International Rating Agency

174| 183 4. TOR Switches Requirements/Specifications (Continued): -
27. Should be a Leader/Challenger by Forrester or any other International Rating Agency

Please Neutralize This Clause For Equal Participation.

Please follow the bidding document
17 174| 183
3. Core Switches Requirements/Specifications (Continued): -
23. May support NSH (IPv4 and IPv6)

NSH is Huawei and Cisco specification. Our suggestion is to revise this statement to ‘Support Service Chain’ to allow other brands to offer equivalent feature. Besides, please elaborate does MoIB really need to implement this feature? Or is it just mentioned to restrict competition?

Alternative feature providing/ensuring similar results is also acceptable.
Please follow the bidding document.
18 174| 183
Network for Primary Data Center Facility: -
3. Core Switches Requirements/Specifications (Continued): -
35. Supporting intelligent TCP and UDP traffic analysis will be a plus point

Are You Willing to Procure AD-DC Solution if not Please Remove this Clause. Please elaborate the use case, it will add up the cost. Besides, please elaborate does MoIB really need to implement this feature? Or is it just mentioned to restrict competition?
Only support is required as an addon. Alternative solution/feature providing/ensuring similar results is also acceptable.
Please follow the bidding document.
19 174| 183
4. TOR Switches Requirements/Specifications (Continued): -
13. The switch supports micro segmentation isolation and may support NSH

"Our AD-DC solution support service chain based on VxLAN and PBR. Are You Willing to Procure AD-DC Solution if not Please Remove this Clause. Besides, please elaborate does MoIB really need to implement this feature? Or is it just mentioned to restrict competition?"
Alternative feature providing/ensuring similar results is also acceptable.
20 171| 183
1. Multiprotocol Storage Requirement/Specifications
4. File system/bucket-level quotas, capacity and file quantity quotas, user- and user group based quotas, and default quotas should be supported. After a quota is set, data written by file, HDFS, and object protocols are controlled. Screenshots of the configuration page are required.

At this use case only S3 is utilized by the upper layer applications, and no other storage protocols are actually needed such as file and HDFS. There will be no unified quota use case and no across protocol access. Adding these protocols will also increase cost for the storage system. Also, this is specific to certain OEM and not equal to other vendors for participation.
Please remove: After a quota is set, data written by file, HDFS, and object protocols are controlled. Screenshots of the configuration page are required.
Alternative solution/feature providing/ensuring similar results is also acceptable.
21 171| 183
1. Multiprotocol Storage Requirement/Specifications
6. File, HDFS, and object services should support asynchronous remote replication, failover, and failback. The minimum RPO is 1 min or lower. Screenshots of the configuration page are required from configuration tools

At this use case only S3 is utilized by the upper layer applications, and no other storage protocols are actually needed such as file and HDFS. Adding these protocols will also increase cost for the storage system. There is no specific DR capabilities described in this project, so it's not required and not realizable for the RPO target. This is specific to certain OEMs and not equal to other vendors for participation. Please remove this item.
Alternative solution/feature providing/ensuring similar results is also acceptable.
Please follow the bidding document.
Network for Primary Data Center Facility: -
3. Core Switches Requirements/Specifications (Continued): -

174| 183
3. Core Switches Requirements/Specifications (Continued): -

8. Supports queue scheduling modes such as PQ, DRR, and PQ+DRR.

Query is unclear. Please follow the bidding document.
23 171| 183
1. Multiprotocol Storage Requirement/Specifications
9. File, big data, and object services should support metadata indexing. User can query metadata items such as the file name, file size, creation time, owner, and extended attributes on the management page or through REST APIs. No independent service node is required. Screenshots of the retrieval page are required from configuration tools.

Metadata indexing will be provided by 3rd party applications so no need for object storage to provide this. Please remove this item.
Alternative solution/feature providing/ensuring similar results is also acceptable.
24 171| 183
1. Multiprotocol Storage Requirement/Specifications
10. File/Big Data/Object services should use unified local or domain user authentication for unified authentication. They should be able to use unified lock management to ensure data consistency when multiple protocols read and write the same file.

"At this use case only S3 is utilized by the upper layer applications, and no other storage protocols are actually needed such as file and big data. Adding these protocols will also increase cost for the storage system. And there is no real use case for unified local or domain user authentication for unified authentication. This is specific to certain OEMs and not equal to other vendors for participation. Please remove this item."
Alternative solution/feature providing/ensuring similar results is also acceptable.
25 172| 183
1. Multiprotocol Storage Requirement/Specifications
22. A world-renowned storage brand, with products listed in the Challengers or Leaders quadrant by Gartner's Magic Quadrant, provides key competitiveness ranking of similar products done by Gartner or equivalent

This is specific to certain OEMs and not equal to other vendors for participation. Please remove this item.
Please follow the bidding document
26 172| 183
1. Multiprotocol Storage Requirement/Specifications
22. The proposed product should be latest and have at least seven (07) years of roadmap. Documentary evidence is mandatory. (no nearing end of life product shall be quoted)

"It is not realizable for most vendors to provide 5-10 years of roadmap. This is specific to certain OEMs and not equal to other vendors for participation. Please remove this clause."

Please follow the bidding document

Queries by Bidder - VI

1 Reference requirement as mentioned in the RFP the solution is required for 8 racks, can you please confirm if you have any future expansion in plan so the that the design can be made accordingly.Yes, Expansion is the part of Project.

POD/Aisle should be able to add at-least two more IT Racks and it should be quoted along with the solution.
POD/Aisle solution including power, cooling or any other pre-requisite should be designed keeping the future expansion in mind.
2 Enterprise Class Servers with GPU (Along with accessories and allied equipment). As per the CPU requirement mentioned the RFP i.e. Dual Intel Xeon Gold Series 3rd Gen or latest, (28C, 2.6xGHz CPU, 42M Cache) or Higher.

Some of the leading brands do not offer the required clock speed with 28C process in GPU Server. For better and equal competition kindly allow the clock speed of 2.xx GHz with 28C and 42M Cache.
Clock speed of 2.xx GHz is allowed for GPU Servers with minimum 28C and 42M Cache, only if turn key solution is offered by the bidder, but it should not effect the performance/output.

Additionally, specifications will be evaluated accordingly.

Queries by Bidder - VII

There are no data records to display.