Mr. Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui
Pakistan Information Commission is an independent and autonomous enforcement body, established under Section 18 of the Right of Access to Information Act 2017 to ensure implementation of this Act. Its role is to establish mechanisms so that citizens of Pakistan can exercise their constitutional right of access to information in matters of public importance. In this connection, it takes steps for public awareness of the law, helps federal public bodies comply with the law, trains public information officers, monitors their performance, decides complaints and takes action against those failing to comply with the provisions of the Right of Access to Information Act 2017.
To provide for the rights of access to information in a transparent and effective manner
Issue directives to public bodies for preservation, management, publication, publicity and access to information
Prescribe the procedure for accessing information from a public body and to Provide technical and other support to the public bodies for effective enforcement of right to information
Conduct training of the public information officers (PIOs) to Undertake mass awareness campaign to create awareness about the Act, Rules and Regulations
Establish an information web-portal
Compile a user handbook in Urdu and English, containing such information, in easily comprehensible form and manner, as may reasonably be required by an applicant
Compile guidelines for use by the public information officers. Submit to the Parliament bi-annual reports on implementation of provisions of the Right of Access to Information Act 2017.